SteriPEN harnesses the brilliant power of ultraviolet light to make water safe to drink. It’s the same technology used by leading bottled water manufacturers, as well as major cities in the U.S., Europe and Asia to purify water.
Extensive microbiological and structural testing by independent laboratories across the U.S. and Canada has proven SteriPEN to be safe and effective, confirming the fact that SteriPEN’s UV light technology eliminates over 99.9% of bacteria, viruses and protozoa that cause water-borne illness. As a result, SteriPEN has earned the Water Quality Association’s Gold Seal, certifying that SteriPEN purifies water safely and effectively.
The AdventurerOpti, uses a revolutionary optical eye to sense the water. The patent-pending technology ensures safe use and provides purification in even the coldest of waters. When camping, backpacking & hiking, if you won't have access to the power grid for several days a time, Adventurer Opti is the product for you.